All Ladies (8 and older) are invited to this special Ladies Fellowship. It will be a time of fellowship, food, games and activities!
September 9th 5:30-9pm
September 10th 5:30-9pm
September 11th 9am-12pm
Dinner on 9/9 and 9/10 will be provided and lunch on 9/11 will be provided.
Our theme is "Knit Together in Love," from Colossians 2:2
As Sisters in Christ, we are knit together in love. It is through this meeting that we will continues to strengthen our relationships even further, as we learn and discuss what the Bible says about mentoring, and how to live it out in a practical fashion as Sisters in Christ.
Our Special Speaker will be Mrs. Deena Royalty and special music will be from the Rudolph Family.
A sign-up is available on the back bulletin board.